
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Curriculum Vitae

                              Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name                 : Abdillah Mauludi M.
Nick                   : Aby
Address             : Pondok Surya Block BB No.5,
                            Karang Tengah, Ciledug - Tangerang
Zip Code            : 15157
Birthday             : 05 October 1990
Birthplace          : Jakarta
Nationaly            : Indonesian
Language           : Indonesia, English
Gender               : Male
Age                     : 20 years old
Hobbies              : Design, Cycling, Surfing Internet.
Phone                 : 085714416264 - 02199820334
Email                   :

2005 – Now            (Budi Luhur University, South Jakarta)
2003 – 2005           (Senior High School 101, West Jakarta)
2001 – 2003           (Junior High School 105, West Jakarta)
1996 – 2001           (Primary School 02, Karang Tengah)

    - Crew “Mudik Bareng Honda 2010”
    - Telemarketing @ Telkom Speedy
    - OSIS member @ 101 Senior High School
    - Vice Chairman ‘Sector 5’ of OSIS 101 Senior High

    - Chairman ‘Sector 5’ of OSIS 101 Senior High School
    - Crew “STARFISHS 3” music event @ 101 Senior High

    - Crew “STARFISHS 4” music event @ 101 Senior High

    - Member of 14:41st Organizer

    - Member of DF Federation 
    - Art Design @ 14:41st Organizer
    - Art Design @ Df Federation
    - Crew @ “For The First” Music Event
    - Vice Chairman @ “For The Second” Music Event
    - Chairman @ “14:41st 1st Anniversary” Music Event

Software Knowledege

    - Adobe Photoshop
    - Adobe Illustrator
    - Adobe Premiere Pro
    - Adobe Lightroom
    - Cinema 4D
    - Microsoft Office
    - Microsoft Exel

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